‘Take Heart’ Event Hosted at Brickstone by St. John’s
The American Heart Association kicked off American Heart Month with an event on Sunday at Brickstone by St. John’s. The event called “Take Heart” was cohosted by the Harbor House of Rochester and aimed to raise awareness about heart health and treatment options.
The event featured speakers, including two heart transplant recipients, Tom Arcara and Gary Acker, and a local cardiologist, Dr. Leway Chen, Director of the Heart Failure Program at URMC. Arcara and Acker are two of Harbor House’s founding members and are still working — 20 years post-heart transplant.
“Heart disease affects so many people,” said Dr. Chen. “In our community, everyone is touched by heart disease. It’s not as often thought of. So, this is a good time to remind people to take care of their hearts.”