Few things are more difficult than having a loved one near the end of life. However, that challenging time can be made somewhat easier by knowing that they are comfortable and in a caring, peaceful environment where you can share as many memories and moments together as possible. That is the goal of St. John’s Comfort Care.
St. John’s mission is to embrace living—a commitment that does not stop when someone’s life may be drawing to a close. That is why for more than 40 years, we have provided compassionate care and support for residents and families during the final stages of life.
Located in St. John’s Home in Rochester, NY, our interdisciplinary hospice care team focuses on residents’ comfort and pain management and on honoring their choices during the end-of-life experience.
To meet the needs of your loved one and your family, our Comfort Care offers:
- Holistic care with quality and dignity
- Short- and long-term palliative care
- On-site medical staff
- High-quality, round-the-clock skilled nursing care
- Pain management expertise
- Individual and family support and counseling
- 24-hour open visitation
- Attention to cultural and religious preferences
- Recreation and therapy
In Comfort Care, our approach is focused more on “high touch” than high tech. Our specially trained nursing, medical, social work, and pastoral care staff work with elders and families to meet all of your needs: not just physical, but emotional and spiritual as well.
As you look ahead to this challenging time, advance directives, such as living wills and health care proxy forms, are strongly encouraged. Services may qualify for Medicaid, Medicare, and other insurance coverage. We can help you determine the right options for you and your loved one.
Francesca Harris
St. John’s Home
150 Highland Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620
I wish to thank everyone at St. John's Home who cared for my mom, Rosemary, and made sure she was safe and comfortable for the past 2 years, during these unprecedented and difficult times. . .I was very appreciative of the frequent communication whenever there was an update to my mom's condition, no matter how minor. My family is grateful for the care she received during her end of life. Sally Barnum, daughter of former St. John's Home resident
Not only were they open to us being with our mom, they went above and beyond to make sure we also had anything we needed to make our time together comfortable. They treated us all as if we were family. I witnessed so much love and care, not just with my own mother, but all of the residents. Michele Manzer, daughter of St. John's Home resident