St. John’s Explores the Future of Human Resources in McKnight’s Column

“I believe the HR profession would benefit from introspection and debate about its role in the future,” writes Dean Moore in his recent McKnight’s Senior Living guest column.

Dean Moore

With almost 30 years of experience in the human resources field and six years in the senior care industry, Moore has observed the changing landscape firsthand. In his expansive column, the St. John’s Vice President of Work Life acknowledges many of his key observations in the field. He emphasizes one in particular: that human resource departments are undervalued. “Some employees and managers like us, but most are, at best, suspicious of our value,” Moore writes.

“Of course, there is always the future,” writes Moore. “HR will always be a difficult role in any organization, but there is hope when we look forward and focus on how the HR function adds value.”

In Moore’s column, he analyzes various topics in the human resources field — from performance assessments to remote workers and artificial intelligence in the workforce.

Read Dean Moore’s full McKnight’s column, here.

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