St. John’s Home Centenarian Celebration Returns

Centenarian Betty Krist poses for a photo before the celebration

The 2023 Centenarian Celebration—hosted collectively and in-person for the first time since early 2020— brought together the families and friends of five St. John’s Home residents reaching and surpassing the 100-year mark this year.

“I know you folks who have reached the hundred-year mark have seen a lot of wonderful, positive things happen,” said St. John’s President and CEO Charlie Runyon as he addressed centenarians and their families during the January 31 celebration. “But you’ve also overcome a lot. And the generations who have followed you really owe you an awful lot for all the things you’ve done to get all of us to this point.”

Watch: 13WHAM Bright Spot: Celebrating 500+ years’ worth of birthdays

Katie Nau is served lunch by spiritual life specialist Tony Loretti

This year’s gathering honored centenarians Katie Nau (100 years old) Betty Krist (101), Reba Baker (102), and Evalyn Seaver (103). Sadly, Dorothy Biedenbach passed away at 102 on the morning of the luncheon, though her family did join the celebration to honor their loved one as well as the other St. John’s centenarians.

Read: Centenarian Celebration returns to St. John’s Home (

Centenarian Evalyn Seaver flanked by her family


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