Lilac Neighborhood Team Reflects Vision for Small Homes

The core vision of St. John’s Home’s transition to small homes—aside from providing a home-like setting for happy, well-cared for elders—is developing cohesive, self-managed teams. The concept of small teams of versatile workers having greater responsibility for a smaller group of elders is a new one. In fact, it is a major departure from the way care has been provided at the Highland Avenue location for nearly six decades.

As St. John’s shifts from one large skilled nursing home to this collection of small neighborhood homes, we are seeing the evolution of these teams take shape. One example of a group that has come a long way in a short period of time is the Lilac neighborhood team. Responsible for caring for elders on Reservoir 3 and South 3, the Lilac team has made clear strides over the past year. Several staff members report feeling more empowered than ever before, which seems to be having a trickle-down effect. Family members of elders living on the Lilac neighborhood are beginning to express their appreciation for the stronger relationships they have formed with those caring for their loved ones.

Lilac’s Neighborhood Administrator Ashley Daggett is excited about what she sees. “I am really proud of this group. They are coming together as a team and supporting each other more and more each week. We’ve come a long way over the past year, and we have definitely seen a positive impact on the lives of the elders.”

The Small Homes Project is set for completion in early 2017, with all work teams transitioning to the versatile worker model. If early signs are telling, employees and elders alike have much to benefit from the transition.

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