Embrace Living with Paul: The Eden Alternative in St. John’s Communities
The Eden Alternative is focused on caring, not just treatment.
How wonderful when people’s lives companionship can know,
with humans and with animals, where plants and flowers grow.
Where caring and receiving care become a graceful pleasure,
an art to strengthen daily life for everyone to treasure.
Where trust the moment’s need fulfills with spontaneity,
honoring the variety of the world’s Deity.
Where meaning, not the counterfeit of empty promises,
feeds and waters human life, the spirit nourishes.
Where medicine is not to be the master of the place,
but servant of deep human care as life and death we face.
Where wisdom of the elderly continues yet to grow,
as honor and respect still set an aging life aglow.
Where life blood of wise leadership does struggle to transform
the lonely, boring, helpless life into joy as the norm.
The Eden name means “pleasantness” in ev’ry life connection,
with God, with people, with the earth: harmonious perfection.
What a vision of St. John’s: residents, staff, and board,
families and community, living in bright accord.
Paul L. Hammer,
17-year resident of the cottages at St. John’s Meadows and St. John’s Board Member